Study and Research on Current Issues in Medan City 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Medan Municipality

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Study and Research on Current Issues in Medan City 2024

Catalog Number : 9101009.1275
Publication Number : 12750.24005
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : July 2, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.66 MB


The Medan City Research and Current Issues Study 2024 is the first publication published by the Medan City Central Statistics Agency which presents discussions and studies of important issues currently occurring in the North Sumatra regional scope. In this edition, the publication of Research Studies and Current Issues in Medan City 2024 discusses strategic socio-economic issues which include empowerment and gender disparities, economic growth, clustering of socio-economic status and human development. This publication was prepared as an implementation of the Beautiful Internship (Love of Statistics) practice carried out by FMIPA students at Medan State University in February-March 2024. Apart from that, this publication is also a forum for developing the competency of Medan City BPS employees in writing meaningful and useful scientific papers as a reference in formulating policy recommendations in the North Sumatra regional scope.
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